Hi, my name is Ana Warren, I am part of the Student Aid Program at The Lake Chapala Society and just had the great honor to receive the State Youth Prize in Culture, because of this, at the age of 19, I´ve experienced how the people at The Lake Chapala Society embrace others to achieve their goals, the power of community, but over all their phrase “People helping people”. 

During this time, LCS always focused on the development of their students, academically and emotionally by organizing conferences for us of how to manage our emotions, making sure that we always have an emotional support, going further, we can focus in the Culture of Peace they create through exchanging art, knowledge, culture and heritage, such as the Summer Camp, Concerts or the Art Fair, organized by them to collect funds for the children whom participates in their different programs that incentives them to develop their artistic skills, donate resources to organizations and teach the children that they are able to construct an economy by themselves with their own work. 

Sometimes when I;ve been a volunteer during this events and help to organize others, like the Toy Drive we developed together for the Firefighters of the Municipality, I can say, I been able to see the kindness and solidarity of the Foreign and local community not only because of the teachers that volunteer to teach the classes, the people that brings food in order to enjoy it all together but also because of the great example of Neil James who donated her house, art, books, plants to the community… So now, you can understand that this paragraph does not make justice to her great story, that deserves, in my humble opinion, a whole book to tell the world her actions. 

Conviction, discipline, effort, kindness, the excellent work all the members have done through the years had provided better opportunities for education to people who lives in the Lakeside, plus the immense benefits their programs provide (Photography, Watercolor, Pottery, Sketch…) to families. 

Going back and remembering my past, when I was a child, I discovered my passion, because I learned from others, I made mistakes, I had people who encourage me, people such as Steve, Víctor, and Sandra that trusted in me to continue studying, growing up, being who I am and who I like to be. 

The first thing that comes up to my mind if you are reading this is “Thank you” for helping the youngest community the value of kindness, awareness, empathy and that where you began does not determines where you end. 

Now, I can say that hard work always have a great and positive impact; In my future activities as writer I will be presenting my Book “The Legacy of the Withered Flowers” at the Book Fair of Frankfort, Germany, further on, for third time in a row at the International Book Fair of Guadalajara with a book dedicated to the Firefighters. 

I´ve been able to present my art and books at the State Congress of Jalisco, the Gonzalez Gallo Cultural Center, Art Fair of The Lake Chapala Society, The “Exconvento del Carmen” … Also participated in events made to celebrate the 201 years of Jalisco as Free and sovereign state, naming of Guadalajara as World Book Capital by the “UNESCO”, and being a benefactor of the Fire Department of the Metropolitan Area, so this is an invitation that all of us can approach to them to know more about their activities that save lives. 

The Lake Chapala Society is our daily reminder to be kind… to be you. 

-Regards, Ana Warren.

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The news staff of Semanario Laguna consists of nine reporters, three editors, three photographers and three columnists. Various members of the staff cooperated on the writing and editing and illustrating of this story. All staff are members of The National Association of Hispanic Journalists.

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