Ajijic’s malecón restrooms are 60% complete
Repairs to Del Paseo Street to begin
The rehabilitation construction of the first set of bathrooms located at the Ajijic malecón (boardwalk)…More
The rehabilitation construction of the first set of bathrooms located at the Ajijic malecón (boardwalk)…More
In September, the municipality of Jocotepec created 382 formal jobs, while the state created 10,614.According…More
The Ciénega de Jalisco Regional competition of color guards was held at the Preparatoria Regional…More
The Government of Chapala is planning to create more spaces to place urns and to …More
An art auction and food sale will take place on Sunday, October 29. to raise…More
Beginning on October 17, the municipality of Chapala will assume the presidency of the Administrative…More
As of September 1st, Enrique René Gamboa Márquez is the new executive spokesperson of the…More
A six-year-old child was shot and killed on Sunday evening, October 8; her grandfather was…More
The Special Regional Prosecutor’s Office of District V is conducting investigations to identify and capture…More
A collision between a private vehicle and a cuatrimoto (four-wheeler ATV ) occurred on the…More