Jocotepec retains 3rd place in Jalisco Cup group
Women's soccer team is in fifth place
The Jocotepec men’s soccer team, vying for the Jalisco Cup, remains in third place in…More
The Jocotepec men’s soccer team, vying for the Jalisco Cup, remains in third place in…More
The Chapala women’s soccer team defeated Tizapán el Alto four to zero on the fourth…More
The fourth and fifth divisions of the Union de Ajijic soccer team will travel at…More
A fire in a pasture in San Nicolás de Ibarra near Chapala, destroyed a warehouse…More
Jalisco’s General Director of Road Safety, Saúl Alveano, announced today that starting this July people…More
On the evening of May 7, thousands of faithful gathered in Jocotepec, Mexico to witness…More
The cleaning and clearing of streams and bridges In Jocotepec is already underway in order…More
María Dolores López Jara, deputy of the 17th Jalisco congressional district, presented a legislative initiative…More
Futuro Councilman, Hugo David García Vargas questioned how the millions in credit for Jocotepec was…More
Ángel Granados Barajas, known as Malacha, will be remembered for his charisma and joy, as…More