Chapala’s San Judas neighborhood neglected
Walking uphill in muddy water when it rains
The disinterest of the public servants of each administration and even of the neighbors of…More
The disinterest of the public servants of each administration and even of the neighbors of…More
Mario Negrete Gama, a 44-year-old Chapala native, is obsessed with capturing the surroundings of Lake…More
The Education and Ecology departments of the Municipality of Chapala are working with smoothly with…More
Chapala hosted the XXIX Encuentro Internacional del Mariachi y la Charrería on the boardwalk. The…More
Although the bike lane runs from Chapala to Jocotepec mostly without interruption, some cyclists still…More
In spite of an outdated web page www.chapala.gob.mx and delays in the transparency requests, the…More
Chapala residents are offered around 100 temporary jobs and a regular weekday to seek employment…More
There will be 25 runners who will bring the Fire of Patriotism, carried in lighted…More
Seven municipalities in the area signed a collaboration agreement with the Institute of Transparency, Public…More
A warehouse was flooded in Riberas del Pilar, as the result of a storm in…More