Ten thousand faithful accompanied Lord of the Mount
Pilgrims honor patron saint of Jocotepec
More than 10,000 faithful to the Lord of the Mount, patron saint of Jocotepec, renewed…More
More than 10,000 faithful to the Lord of the Mount, patron saint of Jocotepec, renewed…More
The new University Center of Chapala (CUChapala) kicked off its 2023-A activities On January 16. …More
The 2023 Ajijic Carnival celebration will begin with a tribute to the renowned members of…More
Katya Echazarrata, the first Mexican woman to fly in space, used a tribute to her…More
Miguel Martínez Street in Chapala was reopened to traffic after completing the first stage of…More
To ensure the safety of the dozens of schoolchildren who attend the Federico Froebel kindergarten…More
Family and friends are asking for help from citizens to find Brian Ricardo Beiza Rodriguez. …More
Chapala hosted the swearing in of the District 17 National Action Party (PAN) steering committees…More
Jocotepec’s January festivities in honor of Señor del Monte (Lord of the Mount) got the…More
Six students from the Science Club of the Regional High School of Jocotepec of the…More